Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Jaina started taking a few steps on Christmas Eve day. Only 6 or so at a time, but it's a start. She's almost mobile!

My little "elf" - those are PJ pants on her head!

Love the wrapping paper the best! Sledding w/ Kira and Korben Davis

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Or not! :) We got sacked with 28 inches of snow in our front yard! That was from the snow on 12/20/06. There were cars stuck all over the place and the town was basically shut down for nearly 3 days.

Then, today - 12/28/06 - More snow! It started about 2pm and they're talking more, upwards of a foot. Depending on where you're at.

Monday, December 18, 2006

What a difference a year makes

This time last year, almost to the minute, I was getting ready to deliver Jaina. Being the girly with the mind of her own that she is, she didn't want to come out normally, so she was delivered via C-section. :) Looking back - here are her "then" and "now" picts!
What a big girl she is!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Photo shoot!

Here are some pictures from a photo shoot we did. The photographer was one of my mom friends and the photos were taken in a local park.

Nikki & Jaina on the sled

Oh, cold snowball!

Family shot

Just a really cute one of Jaina

Kevin & Jaina

Happy Birthday Jaina!


We celebrated Jaina's first birthday on Saturday 12/9/06. We had family and good friends to join in the fun. Special guests were our good friends, the Davis clan; Ianna, Peter and Addy, Kathy, Daniel & Mikki (and Kilo - their 8-week old puppy), Cara, and Val. Family: mommy, daddy & Jaina (of course!), Grandma & Grandpa Pech, Uncle Gary Berlin, and cousins Chris & Eric. We hadn't seen Eric since August, so that was a special surprise!

We stripped Jaina to just her diaper and gave her 2 cupcakes - one chocolate and one white because the white one didn't make enough of a mess! So - we gave her the chocolate one. We had a very gooey, chocolat-ey messy girl!