Friday, August 29, 2008

Life catch up's been a while since I've written anything on here!

What's all happened in the past few months:
- I finished up my 1st semester of grad school in May with a 4.0 GPA!

- I finished my first year of part time teaching in June

- Two weeks before this, I got hired on at a new school full time, and I started 07/14/08. It's in a new district, is a small charter school, the same student population I'd been teaching (at-risk kids), a great salary, and I have awesome coworkers! It's a year round school, so I've got breaks in where "traditional" schools would not.

- July 4th weekend Jaina and I went up to Grand Junction to see family. We spent a long weekend (Thurs-Mon) in both GJ and Delta and had a blast!

- Kevin bought a car from Uncle John Barry...his 1965 Volvo 1800 coupe that's been sitting in the garage for so many years. Now we've got a project car!

- Kevin started school at Red Rocks CC in August for an Associate's in Video Game Design and he's VERY excited!

- Kev also got his locksmith contract renewed for another 5 years!!

- Jaina is back at the same daycare she's been at since January 08 and loves it. This time, she's 5 days a week instead of 2 days.

- We're working on potty training... a very slow process!

- Jaina's also a typical toddler..."I'll do it myself" is a familiar refrain. BUT, she does sleep in a toddler bed every night and has since March!