Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Teaching Job

I got a teaching job last week and my first night was last night! I survived and I can't wait to go back tomorrow!

I found a local charter school within our district (Jeffco) who was looking for a part time, night, teacher for Language Arts. What did I have to lose, so I applied. I went through the inital interview and was offered the position two weeks ago. It's only part time - 7:30pm - 10pm Mon and Wed, but it's still teaching and I'm in the district I want to be! Plus, I can still be home with Jaina as well as go get to teach.

Last night was pretty easy, I think, and I've got free reign over what the class does since it's a newly incepted program within the school. I hope they'll keep me for next term (Jan-June) and it may work out that I'll be there next year too!

Monday, November 05, 2007


This year was the first year Jaina got to go trick-or-treating. She was an Ewok from Star Wars, and everyone loved her costume!

She was an Ewok from Star Wars, and everyone loved her costume!We only hit 5 houses - 3 of our neighbors, Kevin's parents, and their neighbors we know really well. At the first house, Jaina took one piece of candy and was ready to go. But, when we got to the second neighbors house, she had the drill figured out - candy gets put in the basket! :) By the time we got to Grandma & Grandpa's house, she started taking G'ma & G'pa's candy bowl and putting all the candy for THEIR trick-or-treaters and putting it into HER bucket!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Our new arrival

We got a kitten just about a month ago! Her name is Mai Tai (like the drink), but it originally was Mei Mei, which is Chinese for "baby sister." This also fits because she's the baby of all the kids!

She's still very tiny, but not afraid to hold her own with the kids and the other 2 cats in the house!

Gearing up for insanity...

I'm heading into my "sophomore" go-round for NaNoWriMo...this will be the 2nd year that I'll attempt to complete a NaNo novel. The overall goal is to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days.

So begins my planning stage...I'll start 11/1 with bells on (or maybe just loaded up w/ Halloween candy! :)

Here's more info from their website:

National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved. Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly.

Make no mistake: You will be writing a lot of crap. And that's a good thing. By forcing yourself to write so intensely, you are giving yourself permission to make mistakes. To forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create. To build without tearing down. As you spend November writing, you can draw comfort from the fact that, all around the world, other National Novel Writing Month participants are going through the same joys and sorrows of producing the Great Frantic Novel.

Wrimos meet throughout the month to offer encouragement, commiseration, and -- when the thing is done -- the kind of raucous celebrations that tend to frighten animals and small children. In 2005, we had over 59,000 participants. Nearly 10,000 of them crossed the 50k finish line by the midnight deadline, entering into the annals of NaNoWriMo superstardom forever. They started the month as auto mechanics, out-of-work actors, and middle school English teachers. They walked away novelists.

So, to recap:
What: Writing one 50,000-word novel from scratch in a month's time.

Who: You! We can't do this unless we have some other people trying it as well. Let's write laughably awful yet lengthy prose together.

Why: The reasons are endless! To actively participate in one of our era's most enchanting art forms! To write without having to obsess over quality. To be able to make obscure references to passages from our novels at parties. To be able to mock real novelists who dawdle on and on, taking far longer than 30 days to produce their work.

When: Sign-ups begin October 1, 2006. Writing begins November 1. To be added to the official list of winners, you must reach the 50,000-word mark by November 30 at midnight. Once your novel has been verified by our web-based team of robotic word counters, the partying begins.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The stuff we find in our yard

With the nice weather we've been having, our weekends have been trying to accomplish some much needed yard work. We trimmed the front bushes a bit and cleaned up the flower beds from overgrown weediness. Still, more is needed, but isn't that the way lawn/yard work is?

Last Saturday (the 18th), Kevin found a garden (garter) snake in the peony bushes. He (it?) was not kept either, but set free.

The "Snake Wranglers!" And yes, Josh is wearing a beanie in 90-degree weather! :)

And, we found a 10 to 11-inch long earthworm and it was not stretched out at all. It was the Nightcrawler to end all Nightcrawlers!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Vacation picts

Here are some picts from our trip to Grand Junction for my Grandpa's birthday. Kevin couldn't come due to work, so it was just Jaina and I. We had fun visiting with everyone and made a trip to Delta to see Aunt Lorraine and Grandma/Great-Grandma Violet. Jaina loved seeing everyone and playing with her cousins; her cousin Madeline just turned 2 in June, and our other cousin, Emily is 9. All the girls liked playing together. We even went to the Dinosaur Museum in Fruita, CO on Saturday morning with Ryan, Tanya, Caleb, Tristen, Jacob, and Emily!

Coloring at Aunt Lorraine's house

Playing in the garden

Sitting with the cousins - these are all great-grandkids (except the oldest girl, Emily)

L-R: Tristen, Madeline, Caleb, Emily, Jacob, Jaina (in front) Just being cute!
Madeline (L) and Jaina (R) blowing bubbles

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A description of my job...

JOB DESCRIPTION: Long term team players needed for challenging permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities. Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

RESPONSIBILITIES: For the rest of your life...
Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5.
Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.
Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.
Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers.
Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects.
Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks.
Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next.
Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys and battery operated devices.
Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product.
Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

POSSIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENT AND PROMOTION: Virtually none. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: None required, unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

WAGES AND COMPENSATION: You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

BENEFITS: While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life if you play your cards right.


We had another TEDDY visit on Monday...which is how I know Jaina's height & weight already! What is this "TEDDY visit" you ask? Well...here's the low-down.

When Jaina was born, the hospital asked if we wanted to have her cord blood run through some genetic tests. The tests were for like 6 or 7 different things, one being Type 1 Diabetes. We said, "Sure," since diabetes & such runs on both sides of the family. Well, we got a telephone call and letter about 6 weeks or so after Jaina was born saying that she's got the higer risk genes to possibly develop T1D in the future and we were offered to participate in The TEDDY Study.

TEDDY Stands for The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young. We're doing our study through the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. It's all free and the child is monitored up to the age of 15. Plus, we get small monetary compensation and we got free coupons for packs of diapers! They do small blood draws every 3 months, monthly stool samples - which parents collect , water samples, 3-day food diaries, and even toenail clippings. Not sure what they do w/ the toenails...

Here's the basics: What Is TEDDY? The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) consortium is a network of centers with a mission to organize international efforts to identify infectious agents, dietary factors, or other environmental factors, which trigger type 1 diabetes in genetically susceptible people. TEDDY Objectives The primary aim of TEDDY is to identify infectious agents, dietary factors, or other environmental factors including psychosocial events, which may trigger type 1 diabetes in genetically susceptible people. Other aims include creating a central repository with data and biological samples for use by the scientific community, developing novel approaches to identifying infectious pathogens, dietary factors or other environmental influences that may contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes and developing a better understanding of disease pathogenesis and new strategies to prevent, delay and reverse type 1 diabetes.

The TEDDY Study is an international research study to discover genes and environmental exposures that may cause type 1 diabetes. There are 6 centers in the U.S. and Europe. The TEDDY study has two stages: TEDDY I The initial screening for the genetic risk to develop type 1 diabetes is either from a) a heel stick at the same time as the state mandated newborn screening or b) a heel stick performed by the pediatrician or the parent. ***for ours, they took a sample of her cord blood*** TEDDY II Babies who are found to be at a high genetic risk to develop type 1 diabetes in the future are eligible to enroll in TEDDY II. TEDDY II will closely examine the child’s environmental risk factors.

TEDDY Sites: - Medical College of Georgia is the lead site for seven hospitals, - Including MCG Medical Center, University Hospital and St. Joseph Hospital in Augusta - Northside Hospital in Atlanta - three hospitals in Gainesville, Fla (sorry, no names) - Barbara Davis Center at the University of Colorado (which is where we go) - Pacific Northwest Research Institute in Seattle - University of Turku in Finland - Lund University in Sweden - Diabetes Research Institute in Munich, Germany - Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute at the University of South Florida is analyzing the extensive data collected by study sites as they enroll participants over the next four years.
Jaina is now 18 months old and is turning into Miss Independent. Otherwise known as "I'll do it myself"! :)

She's got her 18 month doctor visit/checkup tomorrow but she's already been weighed & measured - 25.8 pounds, 32 and 1/2 inches tall! She's getting into everything and has figured out the joys of ketchup, ranch, or anything else to "dip". Plus, she can now climb up onto the kitchen chairs to reach the table. Look out world! She had her first ear infection a few weeks ago and we ended up going to the ENT for a consult because she had an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin they gave her.

I'm still babysitting Bradyen, the little guy I started watching in March. He just turned 1 and he and Jaina get along great... or as great as 2 toddlers can! I've gotten some strange looks when I'm out and about with them. The doctor's office asked me "how old are your kids" and when I told them "just turned 1 and 18 months," they looked at me really funny...so I had to explain that Brayden is my "loaner-kid" and I get to give him back at the end of the day. Now if I could only teach them to share... :)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Some new picts

Jaina pictures from the last few weeks!
Swimming in the pool!
At the zoo

Colander hat!

An update.

Yes I know it's been a while since I've written. I've been hellaciously busy with watching Jaina and Brayden, plus doing house work. :)

Trying to decide what I want to be when I "grow up"- like that's gonna happen - the growing up part at least! :) Got accepted to DU for grad school this fall, but tuition is upwards of $30,000! Not sure I want to go into debt for that much a year for the next 3 or so years it'll take me to get my MA. Plunking around the idea of a 2nd BA in History - that way I can teach English and/or history. Make myself more marketable to future employers when I start looking for a teaching gig in the next year or 2. Decisions decisions.

Also - been cleaning our house, getting yard work done and such. Kev's best friend is moving in w/ us b/c he's getting divorced and is hurtin broke. So we're doing some major cleaning & painting, and some minor remodeling - bathroom & building a wall for a 2nd bedroom. I love Josh like a brother and he's girly's god-father. So I'm more than happy to help him out. He'll be moving in come July, if not before then.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spring is here

Gotta love spring in Colorado. One weekend it's gorgeous and sunny, 2 days later it's raining, snowing, and all matters of gunky weather!

Here are a few pictures from Easter weekend. Kevin smoked off some pork chops (which were yummy!) while it snowed! :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I got in!

I got my acceptance letter for DU last Friday!!!

Classes start Sept 10 and I was even offered a $5k scholarship for the school year (3 quarters - fall, winter, spring). Just waiting to now hear how much $$ I'll get from Financial Aid! Now I need to send in my deposit and wait for the rest of my registration materials to arrive!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Excited and hopeful!

I had my grad school interview yesterday with DU (University of Denver) for the MLIS program. This is the Master's of Library & Information Sciences. I'm thinking of going for my School Library Media or Archives & Records Management. Either one, plus my teaching degree, will be a great asset to when I get a teaching job. I THINK I did alright...there were about 50-60 of us who were there interviewing, but we were told that, "You're the top of the applicants and this is basically who's coming into the college next fall." Hmmmm...I think that's promising! I should hear back from the interview committee by the first of April. Until then, I'll be on pins & needles! :)


I have 2 job interviews next week!

One is internally w/ the company I work for and it'd be doing curriculum development. Still working from home, but about 40 hrs/week, plus benefits, etc. That'd be good, still working from home and being in the educational aspect instead of solely on the customer service end. The only part I'm not sure about is that I don't know HTML that well and that's what the majority of the curriculum is developed in/with. It'd be interesting, working from home full time instead of just part time. But no commuting or worrying about crappy weather!

The other interview is in Commerce City (about 25 mins away) and is for the 1st charter school for the Adams-14 School District. I'd spoken w/ the principal in January but they were, at the time, looking for someone to start work - oh - yesterday! I saw they re-posted their ad for 2007-08 teachers so I re-submitted my info and talked to the principal for a good 30 minutes! It'd be teaching either 6th, 7th, or 8th grade (probably 7th), some "across the board" classes like reading & math (eek!) but they operate on the Core Knowledge Foundation teachings so I'd be helped w/ lesson plans & such.

The only down side to either job is the inevitable - daycare. I'm not going to put Jaina in a "baby farm" like Kinder Care or the like (as Kevin calls them) because I wouldn't feel she'd get the attention she needs. But I've got a few prospects for what to do with her...I'm just going to play everything by ear and see what happens.


Sadly a member of our family close to us - Jaina especially - was lost last night. It was "Wooly", Jaina's tag blanket. She's had it since she was about 5 months old and has been inseparable from "him". We were in Wal-Mart last night and just puttering around. Getting ready to check out and I said, "Where's the blanket?" So we backtracked the WHOLE store and no blanket, even at the customer service desk. Thankfully, they have the fabric section, so I grabbed new fabric, fluffy fleece & ribbon and whipped up a "Wooly - Version 2.0" last night! Got enough fabric to do about 5 more! :)

(Wooly - the original!)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

BFL - take 2, or is it 3?

I have decided to have another go at Body For Life. What is it? It's a 12-week plan - eating better (balancing carbs/protein w/ fruits/veg) and alternating days of cardio and weight training with a "free day" once a week. (www.bodyforlife.com). I've "tried" to get into it before, but the first time I found out I was pregnant and the 2nd time I just slacked. This time - no excuses!! I know it works because my sis-in-law has kept on BFL for about 3 years now and she lost ALL the weight she gained after having 2 kids in 2 years.

So far, I'm finished with week 1 and am on day 2 of week 2 and I'm loving it. Getting the motivation to get up at 6:00 am and work out is hard, but I'm doing it. Just have to tell myself that yes, it's cold and dark and I'm warm and snuggly and...and... there are countless "ands" I could keep on going. But I don't. I've been getting up early-ish and getting my workout in before Jaina wakes up. It's been going well and I can tell that I'm firming up muscles that I've not "worked" in a very long time. But it's a good soreness...like the first 2 weeks of track practice in high school when you come home ACHING and pop a few tylenol just to get the shinsplints and overworked quads to stop hurting!

I am probably going to join the rec center. It's fairly cheap ($70 a month for the family plan) so I'd get free kid care for Jaina and then we could go swimming or have some fun after I get done working out. I can pay for the fees with 1 week of my tutoring salary!

I want to be a healthy, trim mommy who looks pretty dang good in a swimsuit this season. Plus, I want more energy to run after my ever-growing daughter. I also want to fit back into skinnier pants (a size 10 or 12 would be great - right now I'm a 14/16-ish).

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Exciting news...

Got this in my e-mail today:

Dear Nicole:
Your application materials to the Master’s program in Library and Information Science at the University of Denver have been favorably reviewed and we are very interested in interviewing you for the program. We are inviting applicants to come to campus on Friday, March 2, 2007 for interviews. The interview day will include meetings with faculty, staff, and current students, as well as an opportunity to tour campus and learn more about DU. Interviews are scheduled for half an hour with faculty, current students, and alumni

I applied for Grad School in December and was waiting to hear back. I'm wanting to get the MLIS degree so I can either teach, be a librarian, or both. I knew a few teachers who did the exact same thing and they loved it. So - Here's hoping that I do well with the interview and get accepted to grad school. Also found out that I can apply to be a Grad Assistant and get $$ for tuition (which is good) and a living stipend (monthly $$). The tuition would pay for 2, 4, or 8 credits worth of classes. 8 credits is "full time" status for M.A. classes.