Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jaina is now 18 months old and is turning into Miss Independent. Otherwise known as "I'll do it myself"! :)

She's got her 18 month doctor visit/checkup tomorrow but she's already been weighed & measured - 25.8 pounds, 32 and 1/2 inches tall! She's getting into everything and has figured out the joys of ketchup, ranch, or anything else to "dip". Plus, she can now climb up onto the kitchen chairs to reach the table. Look out world! She had her first ear infection a few weeks ago and we ended up going to the ENT for a consult because she had an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin they gave her.

I'm still babysitting Bradyen, the little guy I started watching in March. He just turned 1 and he and Jaina get along great... or as great as 2 toddlers can! I've gotten some strange looks when I'm out and about with them. The doctor's office asked me "how old are your kids" and when I told them "just turned 1 and 18 months," they looked at me really I had to explain that Brayden is my "loaner-kid" and I get to give him back at the end of the day. Now if I could only teach them to share... :)

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